The detailed programme of the workshop is available under the following link: (PDF).
All lectures will be held in room 328 in the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science.
The workshop consists of regular talks delivered by the participants, together with several mini-courses for PhD and undergraduate students on the broad topic of singularity theory, including:
- Federico Sánchez-Bringas, "Lines of curvature and asymptotic lines of surfaces" (abstract: PDF).
- Kentaro Saji, "Geometry of singular surfaces and curves" (abstract: PDF; slides: LINK)
- Michał Zwierzyński, "Exploring Affine Invariants and Equivariants: Wigner Caustic, Centre Symmetry Set, and Beyond" (abstract: PDF)
Below, you can find a list of participant talks.
- Jiro Adachi, "On global existence of some geometric structures"
- Wojciech Domitrz, "Generic singularities of 2-dimensional improper affine spheres"
- Toshizumi Fukui, "Singularities of mixed polynomials using Newton polyhedra"
- Goo Ishikawa, "Singularities of parametric Lagrangian varieties — Joint works with Stanisław Janeczko"
- Miyuki Koiso, "Intrinsic singular points and curvatures of piecewise-smooth surfaces"
- Rémi Langevin, "Newton-lens polyhedra and 3-dimensional complex algebraic singularities"
- Piotr Mormul, "The local geometry of special multi-flags [to be] unveiled through infinitesimal symmetries' computations"
- Naomichi Nakajima, "Legendre singularities and information geometry"
- Takashi Nishimura, "On envelopes created by straight line families in the plane"
- Ryosuke Ota, "Concordance of Morse functions on manifolds"
- Tomasz Pełka, "Del Pezzo surfaces of rank one"
- Graham Reeve, "Bitangent planes and applications to thermodynamics"
- Osamu Saeki, "Special generic maps and Gromoll filtration"
- Kentaro Saji, "Geometry of D4 singularities of fronts"
- Ewa Stróżyna, "Theory of analytic vector fields and their normal forms"
- Masatomo Takahashi, "On vertices of frontals in the Euclidean plane"
- Masato Tanabe, "Canonical stratification of definable Lie groupoids"
- Hiroshi Teramoto, "Algorithms for classification of real singularities"
- Michail Zhitomirskii, "Singularities and/or Symmetries?"
- Marcin Zubilewicz, "On certain bi-Lagrangian structures in the space of rays"
An additional notice regarding participant registration: to claim your badge and conference gifts, please meet us at the conference venue on Monday morning between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. We look forward to seeing you!